Go Greener..

 If you've always wanted to go a little greener, it's time to start..
Join us on our journey where we'll be sharing our experiences, getting advice from experts and making suggestions for your transition to a greener lifestyle easier. 

1. Diet

If you want to move into a more plant based diet do it with baby-steps. See how things feel when you cut animal products from your diet for a week, a meatless Monday, if you're feeling good then try a month. What I tried was to keep a sustainable approach which fitted into my lifestyle, making it a long term thing. 

We'll be sharing with you some of our best recipes from amazing veggie cooks, so keep an eye out! A vegan lifestyle isn't only about salads! 

 2. Recycle 

This is a step that requires such a small amount of effort but will make a big change. Separate your waste, learn the day of the recycle pick-up in your area and drop off your glass waste to a drop off point close to your house. Try doing this weekly, make it into a walk and enjoy some time offline. Remember to take some food with you for if you run in to a furry friend on the street, colder days mean animals need more food to keep warm.

We'll have tips from professionals to help us out! 

Check out our recycled selection.

3. Re-use

Try to slowly move into a more thoughtful mind set for your everyday needs. When you go shopping take a tote bag, stop using single use items: coffee filters, make up removal pads. The 'right to repair' movement is gaining momentum, try and fix things before replacing them. Be creative and you will start to see that saving waste will start to be addictive.

We have a selection of items that will help you make the transition from single use essentials to a more circular lifestyle. Have a look at our repurposed products.

4. Go Cruelty-Free

We are strongly against any sort of animal testing! It hasn't been easy but for a while now I've replaced all my beauty products with cruelty-free options. This does mean a lot of list checking, emailing and product testing. 

Here we go through all the checking processes so you can be sure that all your products are natural and cruelty free. Check out our clean, cruelty-free Beauty Edit.

 5. Go Local

It's all about the choices we make. Small changes in your life can reduce your carbon footprint significantly. Try to minimise your sphere of consumption. Buy local brands and buy seasonal local produce. Get to know your local market and meet the amazing local community we have through setting up this site.

Creativity is key to going greener, thinking outside of the box wakes us up from our routines, helping the planet at the same time.


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