Jnana Yoga-Block

THA 'Jnana' whole mushroom block is vegan certified, sustainable and renewable. This 100% natural cork yoga block is antibacterial and antiallergenic. It offers ease of use with its non-slip surface feature.

Yoga block is the number one supporter of your practices with its different uses, it helps you with your postures, allowing you to improve more easily and feel comfortable. It is important that the yoga block you use is of ideal weight and size.


7.62 x 15.24 x 22.86 cm, 720 g

Material: 100% Natural Cork

Cleaning Instruction: You can gently wipe your cork block with a dry, non-hard cloth. Once you make sure the block is dry, you can use it again.

1-4 gün içinde kargoya verilir.

Bu üründe, teslim tarihinden itibaren 15 gün içinde iade kabul edilir. Ürün kullanılmamış, etiketli, orijinal ambalajında ​​iade edilmelidir.

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