What's cooking in our favorite veggie cooks' kitchens?

What's cooking in our favorite veggie cooks' kitchens?

It's not easy getting going on a plant-based diet, however much variety of ingredients you have it's tough to come up with a nourishing meal on a daily basis. We've been there and done that so we wanted to share some of our saviors and their mouth watering recipes.

Nisha from Rainbow Plant Life: 


Lawyer turned vegan cook, Nisha definitely knows how to bomb your taste buds with flavours that blow your mind. As she puts it you'll find a collection of wildly flavorful vegan recipes on her instagram account and her website. Like many of us in 2016, she binge watched 10 documentaries on factory farming over the course of three nights and went vegan immediately afterwards.

Our all time favourite recipe is her 'Crispy Smashed Potatoes', a plate of layered flavours, refreshing, filling and all the most packed with goodness. Click here to for the recipe's details. You'll always get a round of applause with this dish at your dinner parties. 


 Ella from Deliciously Ella:


Originally intended to be a personal project, a way to encourage herself to fall in love with plant-based food and make healthy eating delicious, Deliciously Ella was born. Quick and easy is key to Ella's recipes, wholehearted, familiar and cosy plant-based food has made her a super-star in the veggie world. Dive into her green world full of goodness here. 

Perfect for after an evening yoga session, try her Nutty Sweet Potato & Quinoa Salad. Full of plant-based protein, super quick to prepare with way too many vitamins. 

Richa from Vegan Richa:


A true food lover, Richa turned to cooking after a life changing surgery. She found food to ground her, she then created her blog, Veganricha, giving us amazing vegan recipes that echo the exotic flavours of her Indian roots. Easy, tasty and plant-based. 

Her 14 Vegan Soups are a collection of recipes that are warming, comforting and so filling. For those who gave up on their chicken soup for a plant-based diet, you'll definitely find something for those cold, rainy winter days. 

Afiyet olsun! 

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